Health & Safety Specialists
High quality health and safety services to help organisations make a difference, continuously improve and meet their risk management objectives amongst other competing business demands.

Expertise from a team you can trust
A team of like-minded professionals who understand your business and are committed to working together to deliver the highest standard of service both technically and commercially.
Health and Safety Business Review
Do you know whether your health and safety arrangements are effective in managing the risks you and your clients are exposed to:
- Are you complying with all relevant H&S legislation?
- Are people carrying out their individual and collective H&S responsibilities effectively?
- How do you compare with similar organisations?
- Could you make an effective due diligence defence?
- Are H&S objectives and instructions effectively implemented?
Our health and safety business review aims to identify improvements in your arrangements and provide a practical, cost-effective action plan to help make lasting change.

High level auditing and progress reviews, policy development, project management, accident prevention, mentoring and expert witness services.
Portfolio and multi-property health and safety, fire risk, asbestos and legionella assessment and compliance programmes.

Health & Safety
High-level auditing and progress reviews
Accident investigation
Policy development
Project Management
Expert Witness
Risk assessment programmes

Legionella Control
Legionella Risk Assessments
Reviews of control measures
Legionella investigations

Practice-based training in relation to H&S, fire, legionella, and asbestos specific to your business needs.
Accredited training course for all levels of management.